Assalamualaikum & Hai...
For those joining MSC Volunteer team to HOSPIS on 25th April 2009 (Sunday), please be informed that we will gather in front of MSU main gate at 6 a.m in the morning. This is because we have to reached HOSPIS Malaysia at Jalan Cheras at 7am. Breakfast & lunch will be provided
Please wear MSC t-shirt and also a cap to cover your head. We will work under the sun from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Due to hot weather, you are encouraged to bring mineral water and apply skin sunblock if needed.
Two main task are as follow :
8 people will managed the traffic & help direct the visitors where to park. We can encourage double park in road area is wide. However, we will advice the car owner to leave behind their hand phone number in the car if we need to contact them to move their car.
Group A
1. Mohana Priya a/p Veleysamy
2. Agustinus Tee
3. Adah a/p Maria Ignatius
4. Surindran
Group B
2. Darren Augustine
3. Nur Fadhilah Bt Basir
4. Nur Syuhada Bt Abd Rahman
A few areas will need manpower allocate to direct guest not to enter area that are prohibited :
i. Resident’s premises it’s strictly no entry. No peeping through the windows.
ii. Construction site area visitors are prohibited to get close to the area.
iii. Hospis Malaysia’s office area strictly no entry.
Group C (Construction Area & HOSPIS's office)
Mohd Rizuan B. Ali
2. Nur Mawidayu
3. Azeti Aida Abdul Aziz
4. Nurul Husna Zulkapli
Group D (Lawn Area & resident's premises)
2. Zahirah Bt Zainuddin
3. Nur Farhana Fatimah Bt Norshan
4. Misra Helma Bt Firdaus
After breakfast, we will help vendors unload goodies / food. Bring them to their stall then back to receiving point to help another vendors.
See you tomorrow.

Medical Science Club,
Management & Science University