MSC Launching 2008 HOSPIS Charity Bazaar 2009 Mount Berembun Expedition 2009 HEALS 2010 Gala Dinner

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Official Announcement

Hello BMSian,

Our Dean, Prof. Dr. Asbi Bin Ali has told me that MSU President, Prof. Dato' Wira Mohd Shukri Abd. Yajid has approved the movement of BMS from Faculty of Health & Life Sciences (FHLS) to International Medical School (IMS) starting this semester November 2009. From that time, BMS will be fully managed by IMS and lead by our next Dean, Dato' Dr. Abd. Gani. For those who will be involved in the next semester practical session, from now please refer any update with the IMS. Lastly, Prof. Dr. Asbi Ali congratulate to all BMS student for this good news.

Your regards,

Medical Science Club MSU

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Thank You

Hello BMSian,

I would like to say thank you to all of you for your support in Medical Science Club activity through this semester. Especially to all MSC committee, i really appreciate for all of your hard work in bringing the success to the club. Hopefully we still can cooperate and support each other in the next semester. See you again and Happy Holiday!

Your regards,

Medical Science Club MSU

Sunday, 4 October 2009

MSC@Leisure: Motivation Camp

Hello BMSian,

MSC Motivation Camp that is expected to be running on this 12th - 14th October 2009 has been postponed to the new date that will be announce later. The decision has been taken due to some reason. Thank you and good luck in final exam.

Your regards,

Medical Science Club MSU