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Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Thank You and Good Luck

Assalamualaikum and pleasant day to all,

First, I would like to thank to those who were involve in making 2nd Clinico-Pathological Conference (CPC) a success. My deepest gratitude also goes to fellow lecturers and friends who participate in the CPC. I do wish that we would learn a trade or two from the event. Thank you.

Hopefully, you guys would show your support and involve in the upcoming MSC activities as well as the activities conducted by the faculty and the students in our faculty. May we all unite in achieving common goal of being a successful students as well as excellent medical practitioners in the future.

Ending my post, I would like to wish, dear friends, all the best for your upcoming exam. Work hard, and work smart.

CPC2 Pictures Gallery
link your to Facebook MSC Official Page...

Thank you,

Ariff Bin Anuar
(MSC President)

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

2nd Clinicopathological Conference (CPC)

Time : July 26 · 9:00am - 12:00pm

Location : Lecture Theater, Level 5, MSU

This will be the 2nd CPC organise by students of Bachelor in Medical Sciences. There will be 5 speakers during the event, presenting a case. 3 of them is students while 2 will be lecturer of IMS.

One of the purposes of having CPC is to introduce students to the world of medical practitioners, where it is not always just syringes and drugs. CPC is a mock case presentation in which medical students will need to face in the future.

Although the presentation will be base on medical field, the organiser welcome all those who wish to see. May you enlighten your knowledge and gain valuable experience on this event.
Thank you

Created By:

Ariff Anuar

(MSC President)

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Club Fee (RM5)

To all class representative,

Please collect RM5 for club fee for this semester from each one of your class members and also student name list for those did not got their club membership card yet.

Submit the name list before this Friday.

The class that submit on Wednesday during Club Carnival will get special gift from the club.  

Friday, 2 July 2010

Official MSC t-shirt design contest

- theme : born to serve community
- prize : winner will receive a special new official MSC t-shirt with your name on it
- P/S : please send the design to (MSC mail)
Rules and registration

1. T-shirt design must be related to Medical Science Club(MSC) and Management and Science University (MSU)
2. You are allowed to use any colors for your design .Official MSC colors : black,white,grey and red.
3. The t-shirt design must include the Medical Science Club(MSC) and Management and Science University (MSU) logo.
4. Each t-shirt design must be drawn on a plain white paper or illustration drawing by computer..(jpeg,psd,ai format)..front and back side..
5. Each design must list the following details for the organize information : Full Name,Course,ID number,Mentor Name.
6. Each designer are not limited to send us only one design. More designs are better.
7. All t-shirt designs must be received in MSC inbox mail by 20 July 2010.
8. All entered designs will be displayed to MSC commitee and advisor to choose the best t-shirt design.

Thank you and good luck