Reminder to BMS students:
Please do final checking for your exam timetable tomorrow (Friday 1/10/2010) in the exam department.
Some changes on the timetable have been done.
Regards,Miss Najihah
ATTENTION TO IMS STUDENTS (Bachelor & Diploma Programmes)
Please be informed that the Final Examination for MAY 2010 session is scheduled from 4 OCTOBER 2010 to 16 OCTOBER 2010.
or download here
Please also take note that beginning May 2010 Session, the examination timetable is NO LONGER available at the Examination Department notice board.
Should there be any issues pertaining to clashing of subjects, please notify the Examination Officer latest by 3 SEPTEMBER 2010.
AUGUST 28, 2010
Dear BMSians and all MSC club members!
On the 23rd September 2010 to 25th September 2010, the club will be organising a MSC Week!
Below is the draft on the tentative of the three days event.
23rd September 2010
1000 a.m: Opening ceremony, Concourse/ Lecture Hall
0900 a.m: Health Exhibition, Concourse
0800 a.m - 0400 p.m: Mini clinic, Concourse
0800 a.m - 0400 p.m: Blood donation, SCD Room 1 and 2
1100 a.m – 0100 p.m: Talk (personal development), Lecture hall
0200 p.m -0400 p.m: Public Speaking (part 1), Lecture hall
24th September 2010
0800 a.m – 0400 p.m: Mini Clinic, Concourse
0800 a.m – 0400 p.m: Games (futsal and netball tournament), U park
0900 a.m – 1100 a.m: Talk on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Lecture hall (open to ALL)
1130 a.m – 0130 p.m: Quiz and competition, Lecture hall
0200 p.m – 0430 p.m: Public Speaking (part 2), Lecture hall
25th September 2010
1000 a.m: Closing and prize giving ceremony, Lecture hall
More update on the MSC WEEK will be posted. Do be inform and inform others, and don't forget to come and join the activities!
Ariff Bin Anuar
(MSC President)