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Thursday, 10 May 2012

MSC Committee 2012/2013

Congratulations to the newly elected MSC Committee! Hope for the best from all.

President: Mohamad Akhbar Bin Ali
Vice President I: Dharamjit Singh
Vice President II: Anna Alisha Mathew Simon
Secretary I: Sabrina d/o Tamilmany
Secretary II: Shazwin Hani Binti Sharuzaman
Bursary: Ruwaidah Binti Mohd Hatta
Exco of Student Development: Thruga Devi d/o Manickam, Norhanani Binti Abu Bakar
Exco of Arts & Cultural: Hasif Ilyasa Bin Mohd Yusof, Shobana Shalleni Baloo
Exco of Welfare: Zuleira Binti Mansor, Farid Raslan Bin Taufik Abadi
Exco of Sports & Recreation: Balqis Binti Sobri, Mohd Faiz Bin Ayub
Exco of Multimedia & Publicity: Nur Shakilla Binti Ibrahim, Nur Arianne Binti Azizan
Exco of Academic: Mohd Faizul Bin Abu Hanifa, Nur Azyani Binti Mohd Nasir
Special Task: Yogaletchumy d/o Gurusuva, Mohd Fakhruddin Razi Bin Mohd Asri

A total commitment is paramount to reaching the ultimate in performance. Good luck!!

Syahmi Faiz
(MSC Committee 2011/2012)

Friday, 27 April 2012

MSC Election 2012/2013

Hello dear students!

The MSC Election had successfully began with the nomination of candidates for the year 2012/2013. The nominations had been completed as planned with all of your heartly cooperations. Lets all of us be proud to be part of MSC and hope for the continuous support as an IMS student. Dear students, please to be informed that below here is the schedule for the upcoming MSC Election process, the endorsement of candidate, campaign and voting process. Hope all of you are excited to welcome the new MSC committee very soon.

Thank you and Good Luck in your short semester!

MSC Election 2012/2013
20/04/2012 - Form submission by candidates
27/04/2012 - List of candidates endorsement
30/04/2012 - 07/05/2012 - Election campaign
08/05/2012 - Election Day
09/05/2012 - Announcement of Election result

** For further information, please contact Alagamaii Chellappan (Head of MSC Election Committee) or Mr. Khairulnizam (MSC Advisor).

Syahmi Faiz
(MSC Committee 2011/2012)

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

5th Clinico Pathological Conference

Title: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Date: 16 February 2012
Time: 9 a.m till 1 p.m
Venue: LT 715

All MSU students are invited!!