A class will be held as following:
- Date: 4th of December 2008, Thursday
- Time: 2-4 pm
- Venue: Anx 11 (A)
- Attendance: STRICTLY Compulsory to all 12 of us.Please inform your deary "besties" .
A (REPLACEMENT*) class will be held as following:
- Date: 5th of December 2008, Thursday
- Time: 12 noon - 1 pm
- Venue: Anx 11 (A)
- Attendance: STRICTLY Compulsory to all of us. Those who can hardly make it on that very day, nothing can be undone and we're terribly sorry for that.. T_T
* Due to the public holiday on 8th of December 08, absenteeism among most of us on the Tuesday 9th of December is therefore can’t be avoided..*giggles* ;)
According to Dr. Himyar respectively, we might have separate lab session after we sort a few things out..Please ensure both Kalan and I knew which group you’ll be joining ASAP as we need to come up with a name list to Dr Himyar.
Kalan groupies will have their lab session on:
- Mondays
- 2 - 4 pm
- at Medical Science Skill Lab
As for my groupies**:
- Thursdays
- 3 - 5 pm
- at Parasitology Lab**
**Subject to change without prior notice :P
It has been confirm that the lab sessions are to be held separately. We will have ours as follows:
- Fridays
- 10 am - 12 noon
- at Anatomy Lab
Any absenteeism is at your own risk.
We'll try to fix/negotiate any problems regarding 'THE' assignments on this Friday session, ok? ;)
Please inform Rizuan Ali or Mohana Priya if you necessarily have to join their groups on:
- Thursdays
- 11am - 1 pm
- at Med Science Skill Lab ***
***also subject to sudden changes, please keep both Rizuan Ali and Mohana Priya in contact respectively..
Musculoskeletal system
Musculoskeletal system
It's been delightful to get acquainted with all of you..
Class will be held as follows, through the entire semester Nov 2008.
- Wednesdays
- 11am - 1 pm
- at Anx 11(A)
Lab. sessions:
- Thursdays
- 11am - 1 pm
- at Anx 11(A)****
**** Subject to change, either Anx 11 (A) or Dissection Hall.. However, this week's session will be conduct in Anx 11.. Please be informed :)
***** The assignment datelines has been postponed to 24th of December 2008. *YEAY..!!*
Last but never the least..
- Unnecessary ABSNTEEISM is not courage, please be honest with your attending(s)
- Please do not hesitate to voice out/ clarify anything with me regarding any problems; I’ll try to help out whenever wherever I can with all abilities I can afford to have. I’m reachable on my mobile, YM and email.
- I need all my groupies name, email address and mobile numbers. Anonymous caller/’texter’ won’t be entertain pretty soon, perhaps! :P hehehe
- To avoid any absenteeism due to ANY misinformation on classes, ‘being untold about sudden changes’ et cetera et cetera among my groupies, I prefer to be called/texted and asked on rather than WAIT for my notifications. I’m afraid I’ll have insufficient credit by the time I’m updating everyone.There's so many people yet so little time..(and credits i tell u..)
- On certain (unfavorable) occasion, please cut me some slacks, for I’m too a HUMAN (a definitely honest and blunt one) and too have an absolute LIFE! ;-)
Looking forward to serve you better XOX,
Regards,Hani Nadiah,
BMS Group E