MSC Launching 2008 HOSPIS Charity Bazaar 2009 Mount Berembun Expedition 2009 HEALS 2010 Gala Dinner

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

MSC Update!

Hello BMSian,

Changing Portfolio

  1. Our new MSC advisor now is Mdm Haniza Bt Harun. Based on the MSC constituition, the HOD will be automatically be the MSC advisor.
  2. Based on the last MSC meeting, all committee has decide that our new Vice President II is Mohd Hafis Zul Arif and new Chief of Bureau Inventory & Transportation is Mohd Helmy Abu Bakar.


  1. Mdm Haniza Bt Harun, our new Head of Department and Advisor will have a meeting with all BMS students on this Thursday at Hall F at 12.00 p.m. Please spread this info around. Attendance is compulsory.

Networking Week

  1. Movie Night 13th & 14th July 2009 (Theater Hall, 8pm).
  2. Medical Crossword Puzzle Competition 13th - 16th July 2009. Please ask your class Bureau for a competition form. It's FREE and a lot of prizes can be won.
  3. Pot Luck 17th July 2009 (Hall H, 8 pm). Please come and bring your food so we can share it with each others.
  4. For info please call 012-2767053

Your regards,

Medical Science Club MSU

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